How to Help?
Answer the Clarion Call today! Any amount can make a difference. Examples of your impact:
$50: Provides emergency kits (toothbrushes, clothing, shoes, blankets) for a family of four.
$100: Feeds a family of four at a crisis shelter for one week.
$250: Contributes to rebuilding schools destroyed by the blaze.
Please annotate “Disaster Relief Fund” when sending your tax-deductible donations.
Mail: Checks or money orders to IAMWMW Headquarters
609 South Davis Avenue
Richmond, VA 23220
Attn: Dr. Loretta H. Dennis
Zelle: IAMWMW23@gmail.com
Givelify: International Association of Ministers’ Wives & Ministers’ Widows, Inc.

“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Hebrews 13:16